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Laboratory of Information Photonics & Optical Metrology
Detecting topological charge and phase of the vortex beam embedded intothe low coherence background: Amit Yadav, Tusar Sarkar, Takamasa Suzuki & Rakesh Kumar Singh (2025), Optics and Laser in Engineering, 184, 108668
Measurement of coherence-polarization matrix from a single-frame recording: Sourav Chandra, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Optics and Laser in Engineering, 184 (2025): 108611.
Coherence vortices by binary pinholes: Akansha Gautam, Amit K. Agrawal, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Nanophotonics 0 (2024)
Roadmap on computational methods in optical imaging and holography [invited]: Rosen, Joseph, Simon Alford, Blake Allan, Vijayakumar Anand, Shlomi Arnon, Francis Gracy Arockiaraj, Jonathan Art et al, Applied Physics B 130, no. 9 (2024): 166.
Enhancing plasmonic response by scattering of a beam under spherical aberration: Sarita, Rajan Jha, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Optics and Laser Technology, 179 (2024) 111397.
Statistical insights of polarization speckle via von Mises–Fisher distribution on the Poincaré sphere: Sourav Chandra, Rajeev Singh, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 41, Issue 7, pp. 1287-1296, (2024)
Phase retrieval in inverse ghost diffraction using Sagnac interferometer: Akanksha Gautam, Sourav Chandra, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Journal of Optics, 26 (2024), 075702
Mie scattering of tightly focused beams by a core-shell nanoparticle: Sarita, Rajan Jha, Rakesh Kumar Sing, Optics Communications, (2024) 130306
Pilot-assisted beam and correlation to recover information through scattering media [Invited]: Tushar Sarkar, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Applied Physics B, Volume 130, article number 49, (2024).
Dual-shot approach for polarization retrieval through a scattering medium : Abhijit Roy, Reajmina Parvin, Ankita Karmakar, Abhishek Mandal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Maruthi M Brundavanam, Journal of Optics, 26(2024), 045608
Leveraging the depolarization of scattered light for holography with the Stokes correlation: Tushar Sarkar, Sourav Chandra, Gyanendra Sheoran, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Applied Physics Letters, 124 (2024), 071103
Effect of Polarization on Cross-Spectral Density Matrix: Akansha Gautam, Dinesh N. Nayak, C.S. Narayanamurthy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Photonics. Vol. 11 No. 2
Effect of primary astigmatism on the tight focusing of ellipse field singularities: Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh, P. Senthilkumaran, Optics & Laser Technology, 169 (2024), 110078
Influence of Primary Coma on the Tightly Focusing Characteristics of Circular Basis Hybrid Order Poincaré Sphere Beams: Sushanta Kumar Pal, Rakesh Kumar Singh and Paramasivam Senthilkumaran, Vol. 11, No. 1, p. 98 (2024)
Folded interferometer to measure coherence–polarization matrix: Sourav Chandra, Akanksha Gautam, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Optics Letters, Vol. 49, No. 2, 326-329, (2024)
Effect of Polarization on Cross-Spectral Density Matrix Akanksha Gautam, Dinesh N. Naik, C. S. Narayanamurthy, Rakesh Kumar Singh, Photonics. Vol. 11. No. 2. MDPI, 2024.
Detecting topological index of randomly scattered V-point singularities using Stokes correlations: Akanksha Gautam, Gauri Arora, P. Senthilkumaran, and Rakesh Kumar Singh, Journal of the Optical Society of America (JOSA) A, Vol. 41 (1), 95-103 (2024)

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